Cloud Himalaya

Incident Management

Incident Management Cloud himalaya Nepal

Incident Management

Ensuring the utmost reliability and resilience of its critical infrastructure

Cloud Himalaya employs real-time monitoring across all components in its data center. The system is designed to promptly detect any anomalies, triggering the immediate generation of incident tickets with specified priorities:


Our Priority List

Priority 1:

Response and resolution time within 1 hour


A compenent, application or crittical feature is down and as a result, no work can be performed

Priority 2:

Response time within 2 hours, resolution within 4 hours


Abnormal or inconssitent system behaviour or a system problem that does not prevent work on the system. Report during normal business hours

Priority 3:

Response time within 4 hours, resolution ranging from 12 to 48 hours


Routine request for maintenance.

Priority 4:

Response time within 12 to 24 hours, resolution within 7 days


New/increased/decreased/disconnected) the contracted services

In the event of a critical incident leading to an outage, a comprehensive root cause analysis is conducted to understand and rectify the underlying issues. Cloud Himalaya has dedicated Incident Response Teams (IRT), Incident Management Teams (IMT), or Service Desk personnel on-site, automatically receiving incident tickets in their respective group queues. The handling of incident tickets is based on severity and priority, ensuring a swift and efficient response to each situation.

Furthermore, no configuration change is implemented without a thorough user and business impact analysis. Such changes must undergo approval from the management board, adding an extra layer of scrutiny to maintain the integrity of the environment. This meticulous approach underscores Cloud Himalaya’s commitment to proactively manage and address any potential issues, thereby upholding the high standards of reliability and service for its clients.

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